
Health Care Without Walls
We collaborate with the nurses and doctors from Health Care Without Walls who provide free services to women and children. Health Care Without Walls sends teams of volunteer doctors and staff nurses into shelters in and around Boston to cut through red tape and provide free, patient-centered medical care to women and children.
Rosie’s Place (for Women)
889 Harrison Avenue, Boston MA 02118
Phone: (617) 442-9322
Fax: (617) 442-7825

PINK Concussions is the first non-profit organization to focus on pre-injury education and post-injury medical care for women and girls with brain injury including concussion incurred from sport, violence, accidents or military service.
We collaborate with clinicians, researchers, and providers with expertise in both intimate partner violence and brain injury to improve the lives of women impacted by violence as well as learn and collaborate with one another.
For more information about PINK Concussions, please visit their website.
Phone: (203) 984-0860

Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN)Ohio Domestic Violence Network
The Center on Partner-Inflicted Brain Injury
For more information on how head injuries are related to domestic violence, both for survivors and for people working with survivors, please visit ODVN’s website.
For more information on financial abuse, please visit’s resources.How is delivering hot, ready-to-buy annuity leads - Insurance News | InsuranceNewsNet
Disclaimer: We are sharing these links as they provide potentially useful information regarding financial abuse. We have no affiliation with nor do we have any stance on whether their general services should be used. We are merely sharing links to potentially useful information.

National Organization of API Ending Sexual Violence (NAPIESV)
For more information, please visit NAPIESV’s resources.
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